Cultivation and processing of flax

Output released
Flax is a long-lived

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, about 45 thousand tons of flax fiber are produced in Russia per year, with a demand of 350 thousand tons, of which 175 thousand tons are for the textile industry and about the same amount for pulp production. About 30 thousand tons are needed for the defense complex. Flax production is projected to grow by 38% by 2025.

Flax fiber is in high demand in China - more than 50% of imports in monetary terms. At a higher conversion (yarn production), increased demand for products is observed in India.
Europe produces up to 80% of all flax fiber in the world and does not process it, but outsources it, primarily to China, which processes the fiber into yarn and sells it back. 

There are favorable factors for the development of this industry in the Yaroslavl region:

  • favorable agro-climatic conditions
  • priority industry in the agro-industrial complex
  • import substitution (replacement of cotton, which is practically not grown in Russia) 
  • flax products are in demand in developed countries
  • annually renewable raw material resource that does not put pressure on the ecosystem
  • the export potential of the industry
  • high profitability with a full production cycle
  • conservation of the forest fund (production of cellulose) 
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