Evraev Mikhail Yakovlevich
Dear investor,

Yaroslavl region is a dynamically developing region, open to all forms and types of investments. We are ready to support and accompany each project from the idea to its full implementation.

To do this, the regional Government provides all the necessary conditions and undertakes
The following obligations:
- prevention of deterioration of the conditions for the implementation of investment projects;
- public availability of information on government support measures and strict
compliance with the terms of their provision;
- compliance by bodies and organizations with the deadlines for approval and provision of permits
documentation required for running a business;
- prompt consideration of disputes arising during the implementation of investment projects.

Governor of the Yaroslavl region
Evraev Mikhail Yakovlevich
Dear investor,

About the Yaroslavl region


Yaroslavl region is located in the central part of Russia. It borders the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Vologda regions. The territory of the region covers an area of about 36,400 square kilometers.

Learn more about the territories of advanced development

A city of regional subordination in Russia, the administrative center of the Tutayevsky district of the Yaroslavl region. 

  • preferential treatment of the TOP "Tutaev" (territory of advanced development)


  • tax and non-tax benefits: income tax, land tax, mineral extraction tax, reduced rate on insurance premiums


More about the TOP


The city of Rostov, the administrative center of the Rostov district of the Yaroslavl region, is located 186 km northeast of Moscow, 47 km southwest of Yaroslavl, on the shore of Lake Nero. 

  • preferential treatment of the TOP "Rostov" since 2018


  • tax and non-tax benefits: income tax, land tax, mineral extraction tax


More about the TOP


The urban settlement of Gavrilov-Yam, the administrative center of the Gavrilov-Yamsky district of the Yaroslavl region. It is located on the Kotorosl River (a tributary of the Volga), 46 km from Yaroslavl. 

  • preferential treatment of the TOP “Gavrilov-Yam”
  • tax and non-tax benefits: income tax, land tax, mineral extraction tax

More about the TOP

Площадь региона Герб
thousands km2 region
272 km to Moscow
Federal highway M-8 "Kholmogory"
Water traffic
560 km to Moscow
River ports: Yaroslavl, Rybinsk and Uglich – passenger and cargo transportation
Air traffic
40 min. to Moscow
Tunoshna International Airport
Rail traffic
3 hours to Moscow
Direct trains to St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara
Population and human resources

An advantageous economic and geographical location, a historically developed industrial sector of the economy, a unique personnel training system, and an up-to-date regulatory framework in the field of investments create conditions for effective business in the Yaroslavl region and increase the investment attractiveness of the region.

million people

Население и кадровый потенциал

Economically active population
Professional education

Профессиональное образование

technical school

6 technoparks “Kantorium",

including 2 mobile ones, based on educational organizations;

3 Digital Education Centers

College-based IT cube for children

Joint scientific activity

universities and industrial enterprises

Synchronization of personnel training to the actual needs of the economy within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism" by industry:
- mechanical engineering

- pharmaceutical industry

- railway transport

- pedagogy


Население и кадровый потенциал
Higher education

Gross regional product

Average salary

Industrial development

The industrial sector is a basic component of the regional economy, providing more than a third of the gross regional product and half of the tax revenues to the consolidated budget of the region.

gross regional
The product
more than 50% of taxes

to the consolidated budget of the region

The main industries
Ahead of the Russian Federation level
according to the industrial production index
in the Yaroslavl region
average in Russia
Industrial parks and technoparks

One of the most important elements of the infrastructure are industrial parks, technoparks designed to create industrial production or modernize the production of SMISPS, including for the creation and development of high-tech enterprises.
The industrial infrastructure is represented by specialized industrial (industrial) parks and investment sites with allocated land plots provided with modern engineering communications and transport infrastructure for the rapid launch of an investment project.

Industrial parks, technoparks and investment sites
Индустриальные парки и технопарки
500 ha
land area
площадь земельных участков
330 m2
the area of the premises

площадь помещений

Tourism development

In recent years, new strategic investors have been actively attracted to the Yaroslavl Region, and work is underway to develop new sectors of the economy, in particular tourism.

Yaroslavl region has an extensive historical and cultural heritage and is attractive for foreign tourism: Yaroslavl region - the pearl of the Golden Ring of Russia - has great recreational potential.

TOP 10

The most visited regions

Cities as part of the National Tourist Route

The Golden Ring of Russia
World Heritage Site
UNESCO in Yaroslavl
5.65 million people
Potential market capacity for the construction of collective accommodation facilities for overnight tourists

Развитие туризма

Development of the agro-industrial complex

The agro-industrial complex of the Yaroslavl region is one of the priority directions of the socio-economic development strategy of the region, which forms the agro-food market and ensures the food security of the region.

Cельскохозяйственных организаций
Agricultural organizations
Предприятий пищевой промышленности
Food industry enterprises
Организаций рыболовства и рыбоводства
Fishing and fish farming organizations
Объектов общественного питания
Catering facilities
Субъектов розничной торговли
Retail entities
Сельскохозяйственных потребительских кооперативов
Agricultural consumer cooperatives
Крестьянско-ферерских хозяйств
Peasant farms
Развитие агропромышленного комплекса