The Ministry of Economic Development invites you to take part in the All–Russian competition "Reliable partner - Ecology"

The main objective of the competition is to assist federal and regional government authorities in the effective implementation of the activities of the national Ecology project in terms of identifying the most successful and effective environmental practices and projects, as well as popularizing environmental modernization among the business community.

The competition "Reliable Partner – Ecology" has been held since 2019. The initiators and organizers are the Reliable Partner Association and the Russian Ecological Society.

Over the past five years, the event has become a place of concentration of the most effective and replicated environmental, environmental and climate projects in various sectors of our country's economy. Traditionally, awards are held in the nominations of the Federal project "Clean Air".

"The high level of projects submitted to the competition indicates the growth of environmental awareness in our society. The competition has become nationwide. Its participants are large Russian corporations, educational institutions, SMEs, as well as non–profit organizations. However, it is important not only to implement specific projects, but also to attract public attention to nature conservation issues, including through such competitions. This creates an incentive for the active involvement of both business and the public in solving environmental problems," says Irina Petrunina, Director of the Department of Competition, Energy Efficiency and Ecology of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Stages and dates of the "Competition" in 2024:

  • The first stage: submission of applications and evaluation for formal compliance with the terms of the "Competition" and placement of information in the databases of the "Competition" – from February 15, 2024 to September 30, 2024 (inclusive);
  • The second stage: online voting – from October 1 to October 21, 2024 (inclusive);
  • The third stage: expert evaluation of the projects of the participants – from October 1 to October 21, 2024 (inclusive);
  • Summing up the results of the competition and awarding the winners – November 12, 2024

You can apply on the contest website. Only projects that have been implemented or are in the final stage of implementation for the previous calendar year are accepted for evaluation and participation.

Over 5 years, more than 1,000 companies and organizations have participated in the Competition – from the flagships of the domestic industry, the fuel and energy complex, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, petrochemistry to small enterprises in remote regions.

Educational institutions of various levels of education take an active part – from higher professional education and research centers to organizations of additional education for schoolchildren. The Competition is also attended by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
