Production of self-destructing syringes

Output released
Self-destructing syringes

A self-destructing syringe is designed in such a way that it cannot be reused due to the presence of a self-destruct mechanism in it. After complete administration of the drug, its piston is blocked, and the needle is retracted into the cylinder by the reverse stroke of the piston, providing protection against reuse or accidental infection. This type of self-destructing syringe is as safe as possible to use and dispose of the product.

Product Advantages:

  • inability to reuse a syringe or needle
  • the inability to replace the needle without replacing the syringe
  • the inability to leave the needle in the medicine bottle to take an additional dose
  • the impossibility of accidental contact with used syringes and needles, in cases when they are left in places accessible to children, adults and animals
  • inability to transfer and/or sell used syringes to others for reuse

Production volume: 180 million syringes per year

Construction area: 7,000 sq. m.

Investment volume: 636.5 million rubles.:

  • construction - 250 million rubles.
  • equipment - 267 million rubles.
  • other - 53.6 million rubles.
  • payment of interest on the loan (before the start of production) - 65.9 million rubles.

Payback period: 7 years

IRR: 22,07%

Contact the administrator
8 (4852) 230-230
Time of work
08:30 - 17:30