Manufacture of medical disposable gloves

Output released
Medical Disposable Gloves

Medical gloves are an expendable material in the provision of medical care to prevent contamination of the hands of a medical worker and protect them from the patient's germs, as well as provide sanitation in hospital settings, limiting the exposure of patients to infectious substances. Medical gloves are widely used not only in medical institutions and laboratory services, they are also used in beauty salons, nail salons, in the food industry and catering organizations.

Manufactured products:

  • surgical gloves
  • diagnostic/examination gloves

Production volume: 12 million units/year

Building area (factory): 3,000 sq. m

Investment volume: 141.5 million rubles.: 

  • construction – 90 million rubles.
  • equipment – 36.9 million rubles.
  • operating activity – 21.6 million rubles.

Financing conditions:

  • own funds – 30%
  • borrowed funds – 70%

Payback period: 5 years

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8 (4852) 230-230
Time of work
08:30 - 17:30