Epichlorohydrin production

Output released

There is no independent production of epichlorohydrin in Russia. At the same time, the domestic demand of the countries is several hundred thousand tons per year. Almost all epoxy resins and the raw materials for their production - epichlorohydrin - were supplied to Russia through imports from Europe and China. The epoxy resin market in Russia is estimated at about 75 thousand tons per year. 

The total volume of epichlorohydrin imported to the Russian market approached the $0.7 million mark.

According to the research "Epichlorohydrin market in Russia: research and forecast until 2025", prepared by the marketing agency ROIF Expert in 2021, the total cost of imported purchases of epichlorohydrin by domestic consumers shows an increase of almost 77%. Global consumption of epichlorohydrin is expected to grow by an average of 4% per year, which will lead to an increase in raw material costs.

Thus, with the launch of its own production of glycerin-based epichlorohydrin, the Russian petrochemical industry will be able to completely abandon imports and produce all products necessary for the market from its own raw materials.

The final products will be various types of epoxy resins, epichlorohydrin and other chlorine-based chemical products. 

Epoxy binders are used for protective coatings, structural plastics, adhesives for various purposes and fiberglass.

The capacity of the enterprise will be 70 thousand tons per year.

Investment volume: about 10 billion rubles.

It is planned to create more than 150 jobs.

Conditions for co-investment:

  • the volume of required investments is 10 billion rubles
  • the share in the project is up to 50%
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